Sunday, February 25, 2007


change of meeting venue


S.A.S.C.A. Notice

Silly Association of Students Causing ‘Avoc

Good evening fellow cheese grillers…

As you all may have noticed… it is fu*k#ng cooking in the afternoons and it is not at all pleasant to train during the Wednesday slots in the sun… Hence we (little dwarves who actually run sasca) have decided to move the training location to somewhere less… ridiculous.

The SASCA club room, for those of you who don’t know, is located next door to the mechanical shrubbery underneath the matrix next to the loading bay. The meetings will be held in the small garden across from the club room (also know as the “secret” garden), where the shade is plentiful.

Please note that training from inflamed will occur almost every week and you are encouraged to ask questions.

If you are receiving these e-mails and are not supposed to be, please reply to this e-mail with a “UNSUBSCRIBE” and I will remove you from the list personally (cause the little fairies would not like to fly all the time).

Again, if you have not received a t-shirt and did order one, please come through to the meeting on Wednesday to collect, failure to do so may result in your shirt going… “missing” (yes, you will still pay, we have your form). Equally, if you did not order one but would like one, please join us on Wednesday to get one…

Don’t forget to visit

Yours in a great big toothpaste sandwich with anchovies

S.A.S.C.A. co-CEO

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